Friday, January 31, 2014

Is a Spiritual Revolution Approaching?

Julian Jaynes (February 27, 1920 – November 21, 1997) was an American psychologist, best known for his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976), in which he argued that ancient peoples were not conscious in the way we understand the term today. Jaynes argued that a seismic shift occurred in the way the left and right hemispheres of the brain communicated with one another right around 3000-4000 BC, during, as it so happens, the astrological Age of Taurus. 

Prior to this shift, peoples all over the globe mysteriously reported hearing the Voices of the Gods speaking to them inside their own heads. After the shift, they no longer heard those voices. Prior to the shift, they did not have the capacity to discover/invent the wheel, writing, or iron. After the shift, they suddenly started making all these discoveries and inventions all at the same time.

It is my own theory that Jaynes stumbled upon just one occurrence in what is a series of such occurrences, one such occurrence happening every six thousand years or so, during the Fixed Ages (the Age of Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Leo). I am writing a book about this theory, suggesting that mankind undergoes collective seismic shifts in how our minds function, at regular intervals. These mental shifts would be so profound that people on one side of a shift can't really understand the people on the other side of a shift at all, because their minds were so different. 

Just as there are four seasons in a year, so too may there be four Great Seasons in the 26,000 year-long Platonic Great Year. Given that we are roughly 6,000 years from the last shift, when writing, the wheel, and iron working first appeared, I am anticipating another such shift sometimes in the next few hundred years. I'm not expecting it to be real sudden, possibly occurring over a hundred years or so. But once we are on the other side of that door, the humans of that era would be thinking with minds that function very differently from the way our minds work today, so much so that they might not even be able to fully comprehend our perspectives or thought processes, much the same way that today's scientists have so much trouble understanding some of the stuff we find in the archaeological records prior to 4000 BC.

I don't see the transition our species went through in 4000 BC as simply having lost something. We both lost AND gained. We evolved. And when we move further into the Age of Aquarius, we may do it again. Once again, we will lose some element of the mental capacity we now enjoy, while acquiring some new abilities or awareness. The previous fixed "Season" was Leo, lasting from -11250 BC to -4750 BC. It is fitting that the season of Leo, the sign of kings and rulers, may have been the high point for humanity's communion with the ancient "Gods", and that the next season, Taurus, lasting from -4750 BC - 1750 AD, was much more a materialistic time for us.

During the transition from the season of Taurus to the season of Aquarius, it seems likely that humanity's economic systems might go through quite a change.

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