Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 20th-30th Violence Predictions Coming True in Spades!

Wow! On August 20th, I posted on Facebook that the next week to ten days (Aug 20 - 30) would be full of violence, warning that "I will frankly be surprised if the news in the US isn't filled with more stories of violence during these dates."

Since then, Russian troops have openly invaded Ukraine, sparking likely NATO involvement in the Ukrainian civil war, while the US has (1) intensified its bombing in Iraq, (2) started flying spy planes over Syria, and (3) is pushing to build an international military coalition against ISIS.

Meanwhile on the domestic front, the biggest earthquake in 25 years hit California, a nine-year-old girl killed her shooting instructor with an Uzi in Arizona, an F-15 Eagle crashed in Virginia, an ISIS video showed U.S. journalist James Foley getting beheaded, a cast member of the TV show COPS was accidentally killed by police during a live show in Omaha, the US Coast Guard fired on an Iranian ship, three dead bodies were found in a lake in Oregon, the bound bodies of two others were found in a river in Philadelphia, a serial killer shot seven and killed four in Los Angeles, a U.S. soldier killed herself at Fort Lee, Virginia, sparking a lockdown of the Army base, a Chinese jet dangerously intercepted a U.S. Navy patrol plane, a truck carrying hazardous materials crashed in Tennessee, a semi crashed into a tanker in Colorado, the entire school system in Pickerington Ohio was locked down when a man phoned the high school and threatened to murder students with an AK-47, and North Carolina and California were both hit by hurricanes at the same time.

And we're not even through all the ten days yet.

End of the Year Showdown in US Government

Reuters is running stories suggesting that the Republicans could force a showdown in September over the immigration issue, possibly sparking another government shutdown in October.

There will be no US government shutdown in October. You can take that to the bank. It looks much more likely that such a showdown would be delayed until sometime between late November and the end of December.

September 2014

The Liberty Chart's P2 aspects between Venus and Neptune have an unhappy history.

Their first square in the first half of 1915 coincided with the sinking of the Lusitania, killing 1,198 and propelling the US into World War I.

Their second square in the second half of 1918 coincided with the start of the Spanish Flu pandemic in the US.

Their first opposition in 1998 coincided with the Tompkins Square Park Riot in NYC.

Their second opposition in 1992 coincided with the Rodney King Riots in Los Angeles.

Their first quincux in 2014 coincided with the Ferguson riots in Missouri.

Given the past history of this cycle in the Liberty Chart, the US seems on track to suffer some sort of heartbreaking tragedy or other heavy emotional blow next month, somewhere around September 19th or 20th, which may be related to the Ferguson riots in August.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Two Predictions Came True Today!

Hey, this must be a "Two-Fer Tuesday", because I had TWO, count 'em TWO, major predictions come true today!

1.  I had predicted that once Israel moved into its next Lunar Return cycle (August 23 - Sept 19), they would reach a more lasting peace deal, which happened today.

2. I had also predicted that the US Liberty Chart's P2 Moon-Mars conjunction of August 25 would bring the US conflict, violence, and war, and today, one day after the conjunction, the news is reporting that the US is about to start bombing Syria.

US Planning to bomb Syria

Israel-Gaza Peace Agreement

Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 2014: USA Violence

I had warned on Facebook for some time about the USA being involved in dangerous violence in August 2014. I first warned of it back in 2013, saying that January, April, and August 2014 would all be crisis periods in the USA. My warnings about August were due to the P2 Moon-Mars conjunction in the USA horoscope chart on August 25, 2014. These warnings were born out by the renewed USA military activity in Iraq this August, as well as the domestic rioting and civil unrest over the Ferguson police action.

More recently, I posted a warning here on August 20th that the ten days surrounding the August 25 date would be an especially high-risk period, and specifically highlighted the August 21-26 period as being the days carrying the greatest risk of all, saying "I will frankly be surprised if the news in the US isn't filled with more stories of violence during these dates".

Today of course, those warning were proven true, as the greatest earthquake in 25 years hit California this morning.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Accurate Prediction Is What Astrology Is All About

Over the last two months, I posted quite a number of accurately timed, date-stamped predictions about the ups and downs of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, and every one of those predictions came true. Maybe you haven't noticed, but you don't see this sort of thing every day. 


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My predictions come true.

My predictions come true. My astrological practice has a proven track record. Over the last twelve months, I predicted that the US would have crises in October 2013, January 2014, April 2014, and July 2014. All these predictions were posted online in verifiable, time-stamped documents. And every one of those advance predictions turned out to be right on the money.

In October 2013 the US Government suffered a partial shutdown, and the long-heralded Obamacare rollout was an unmitigated disaster.

In January 2014 the US got hit by not one but TWO monster Polar Vortex storms, shutting down the nation all the way south to Atlanta.

In April 2014, the Ukrainian crisis came to a head, re-igniting the Cold War between Russia and America.

In July 2014, a Malaysian airliner got shot down over Ukraine, sparking a severe economic war against Russia.

The next major crisis for the US will be in March 2015. When will YOUR next crisis month be? Pathfinder Astrology can help you find out.

The next major crisis for the US will arrive next March. After that, we pretty much have two years straight up of bad road. The crisis escalates alot in June-August 2015, then  lets up some in September before slamming down hard again in October, a month that sets the tone for the next year and a half.

What's Ahead in 2015 and 2016

The subprime mortgage crisis hit when the US housing bubble burst after peaking in 2006. In 2006-2007, when all this happened, the Saturn-Neptune cycle was active, with Saturn opposing Neptune three times, in Summer 2006, early 2007, and Summer 2007. When Saturn and Neptune are making hard aspects to each other like this, confidence falls and doubt reigns supreme.

The next time this Saturn-Neptune cycle will be active is Autumn 2015 and Spring and Summer 2016, but unlike its earlier aspect in 2007, now it not only coincides with a much stronger aspect - Uranus square Pluto - but it actually aligns momentarily with that other aspect, and Jupiter joins in the party as well.

There are two great turning points in 2015. The first is when Mars aligns with Uranus-Pluto in March just as they are exactly hitting their 90 degree mark, and the second is in September and October, when all the outer planets momentarily align together into a single mega-complex aspect cluster. The first of these is likely to coincide with violent social, military, and/or terrorist crises. The second and ultimately more impacting of the two is likely to bring economic, social, and/or political crises. If history actually records a single, definitive "and that's when the shit hit the fan" moment, it'll be in Autumn 2015.

Now, in 2017-2019, Uranus and Neptune complete a semisquare, and this will have the effect of making the whole world feel somewhat unprepared - financially, socially, psychologically, and culturally unprepared - to cope with the strange and unfamiliar changes occurring at that time. But this semisquare is set off early by Saturn, during that mega-complex aspect cluster in October and November 2015. This tells us that people will find themselves thoroughly confused, disoriented, caught off guard, unprepared, and basically floundering by the world events of Autumn 2015.

For most of 2016, the Saturn-Neptune aspect holds sway, insuring that dreams of recovery do not pan out that year. But then in the winter of 2016-2017, Jupiter again rolls around to a spot where it aligns in a T-square with the Uranus-Pluto square, and this is likely to produce at least a short window of exuberant if desperate optimism. The last time Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto aligned like this was in April 2014, when Russia and the US went nose to nose over Ukraine, re-igniting the Cold War. That same sort of a reckless, suspenseful international power play would seem to again be on schedule for late 2016, right after the November US elections.

Obama's 2014 Lunar Returns

He may hide it well, but Obama is worried this month. His July 21 - Aug 18 Lunar Return cycle has Pluto rising on the Ascendant, and that placement will give him a bit of a crisis mentality this month. Mars is conjunct the Midheaven and square a Sun-Jupiter conjunction in the 7th, indicating that Obama is pressing his agenda forward forcefully now and more than a little arrogantly, and is pushing his luck a bit and taking some chances. He is not in a passive, wait-and-see mood now, and is eager to act, and especially eager to engage with others. His alliances serve him well now, and allies prosper and are in a more agreeable mood. Obama wins in diplomatic matters now, which suggests that both the Ukrainian and Gaza crises move favorably for Obama this month. Even his enemies are more agreeable now, as proved true when the Republican leadership took impeachment off the table. But with that Pluto rising in this chart, Obama took that impeachment threat a lot more seriously than they let on in the media. You never get through a Lunar Return cycle with Pluto rising without being confronted by some sort of threat, but having Sun conjunct Jupiter at the same time put him in a very strong position to deal with it.

Obama's next Lunar Return cycle runs from Aug 18 - Sept 14, and as this chart has less angularity, and fewer strong aspects to the Sun, Moon, and angles, this is not as dramatic a month for Obama. He doesn't feel as threatened, he doesn't act as directly or forcefully, and his situation status doesn't go through much change. However, that being said, the chart ruler Mercury is in a T-square with Moon and Neptune, and that tells us that Obama goes through some confusion and uncertainty this month, and his communications are unclear, distorted, and compromised. He is likely to have to deal with false, mysterious, confusing, or poor-credibility information coming in to him, and he is also likely to falsify or distort his own outgoing communications as well. Obama has a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in the 3rd house, meaning that he has good luck getting his message out now, and he paints a happy, peaceful, and hopeful picture now. But this chart also has a Mars-Saturn conjunction in the 6th, and that tells us that Obama has some wicked trouble this month with his subordinates, all his armed forces and staff and political machine and executive branch personnel. Either they are hit hard by some harsh external setback, or they themselves pose a direct internal challenge to him now, possibly some sort of internal betrayal. With this conjunction, Obama will probably take all medical or health-care issues very seriously, but he will not feel things go his way in these areas this month.

Obama's next Lunar Return cycle lasts from Sept 14 - Oct 11, and it promises a more dramatic and eventful month for Obama, as it has an angular T-square rising the Ascendant. This is not a very positive chart at all, and contains quite a lot to be concerned about. The Sun is in the 12th, the 12th house ruler is conjunct the Ascendant, there is one T-square and one Grand Cross, and both are strong, one aligned with the Ascendant and the other is aligned with both the Moon AND the chart ruler. And Mars and Saturn are in the same house. That's kind of awful, with all of that together in one chart. Obama will not have good month now. A lot of things go wrong for him this month, and very little goes right. One of the things that goes really wrong now is his finances. He will definitely feel the purse strings tighten now. Obama will also get angry this month, with Moon opposite Mars squaring Venus opposite Neptune, and he may lash out irrationally because of a heartbreaking disappointment. Obama turns to the media now, and has a lot to say, and his message is intentionally threatening and disturbing. Mercury is conjunct the Ascendant, and because it is the ruler of the 9th, the threatened lawsuit against Obama could move forward now, and any movement in that issue now will not be to Obama's advantage. He is shook up now and his peace of mind is disturbed. He does not lose his status and position this month, he has no reduction in authority, but he is clearly alarmed, and his message now will be alarmist, not comforting or encouraging or peaceful. Obama finds it very hard to believe in peaceful resolutions to his problems this month.

Obama's next Lunar Return cycle lasts from Oct 11 - Nov 8, and this will be a much better period for the President. Diplomacy comes through for Obama now; his approval ratings rise, and he shines in public. Obama could be successful in reaching crucial agreements with others now, but it will not be a smooth process. All in all, a much better month.

Obama's next Lunar Return cycle lasts from Nov 8 - Dec 5, and this will be a quieter month for Obama, with less stress, less anger, and less change. Economic matters are an unpleasant issue now, and there may be some domestic violence, but Obama doesn't get very riled up now.

Obama's next Lunar Return cycle lasts from Dec 5 - Jan 1st, and this month goes pretty well for the President. With both Venus and Jupiter angular and aspecting the Ascendant, Obama is in a happy, even celebratory mood now. A Full Moon conjunct the Midheaven axis and trine Uranus promises a fortunate breakthrough or notable accomplishment for Obama this month. Alliances prosper now, and all is smiles. However, with Neptune rising and square the angular Full Moon, some big question hangs over Obama's head this month that leaves him feeling a bit short of confidence, even as he puts a happy face on things.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

American Generations

Astrology naturally divides America's history into distinct generation-sized eras. About every 27 years, the Secondary Progressed Moon finishes another 360 * circuit of the natal chart and returns to the place it began, and the chart of that Lunar Return describes the subject's life over the following 27 years. This ancient practice of reading the first few Lunar Returns after birth as reliable 27-year snapshots of the person's lifetime was widely used in ancient times, but has been all but forgotten in modern astrological circles.

This valuable practice of examining the first Lunar Returns of a subject's life is even more useful in studying the astrology of nations, which often survive for many hundreds of years. In America's horoscope, there have been just eight of these Secondary Progressed Lunar Returns (SLRs) so far, each of which describes a separate 27 year cycle. A new SLR often arrives just before a major turning point in American history. For example, the 1803 Secondary Progressed Lunar Return ushered in the Louisiana Purchase, the 1858 SLR ushered in the Civil War, the 1913 Return chart ushered in World War I, and the 1940 chart ushered in our entry into World War II. But the connections between these cycles and America's history go much deeper than that, for each SLR provides a unique in-depth overview of the conditions and changes that America experiences during its 27 year cycle.

The patterns that show up in these charts are so consistent with our nation's history that they stand on their own as compelling evidence that the July 2 1776 Liberty Chart is America's true horoscope. For example, every SLR period with the Sun on an angle (including the current SLR) gave us an exceptionally famous and popular President (Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Obama). The only two SLRs with Jupiter rising opposition Pluto saw the two bloodiest conflicts in our history (the Civil War and World War II). The SLRs with afflicted 8th houses always brought America's worst economic depressions, and the SLRs with Jupiter rising always witnessed our greatest periods of expansion. All our Presidential assassinations occurred when the SLR Sun was afflicted by Saturn or Neptune, and the only times in our history that any enemy nation ever launched an attack on American soil (the War of 1812 and the Pearl Harbor attacks), we were in a SLR cycle with Mars conjunct an angle.