Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Red Flag Alert for March 2015

Red Flag Alert for March 2015

In 2015 we will see two major outer planet squares: Uranus square Pluto and Saturn square Neptune. The Uranus-Pluto square is making the last of the seven aspects in its 2012-2015 series in March, while the Saturn-Neptune square will make the first of the three aspects in its 2015-2016 series in November. The Uranus-Pluto square is a longer duration event, being effectively active from 2011-2016, while the Saturn-Neptune square is only active in 2015 and 2016. On two occasions in 2015, these two squares are tied together into a single massive outer-planet alignment, once in March 2015 and again in October-November 2015. This is very rare.

In March 2015, the last exact square of Uranus-Pluto occurs just as the Saturn-Neptune square comes into close orb of less than three degrees. This final Uranus-Pluto square will also be extra energized at that time because it is occurring on the 15th degree of Cardinal signs, thereby activating the 15 degree Aries Eclipse of October 2014. But in addition to this, both Mercury and Mars will be making aspects to all four planets – Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, all between March 11-22. Mars conjoins Uranus and squares Pluto on March 11, then sesquiquadrates Saturn on the 17th and semisquares Neptune on March 22. Meanwhile, Mercury semisquares both Uranus and Pluto on March 13th by conjoining their midpoint, then goes on to square Saturn on March 16 and conjoin Neptune on March 18. Thus, Mercury and Mars effectively tie the two outer planet squares into a single massive six-planet alignment between March 11–22 2015.

I view this as an extremely high-risk, red-flag alignment that points to multiple high-profile events occurring in the news at that time. International tensions will be extremely volatile and unstable then, while patience, trust, and calm will be in short supply. Sudden, violent, and highly destructive events are likely then, both accidents and intended events. You could not pay me enough to climb on a plane that month. I see this period as being at especially high risk for violent terrorist attacks, and the Saturn-Neptune component suggests very regrettable and sorrowful consequences.

I am concerned about a possible nuclear or other WMD event that month.

I do not believe that Russia would be involved in or closely affected by any terrorist or WMD events that month, but the US does seem to be very disturbed that month. I am also inclined to think that the US economy will take a dive that month. So far as the USA is concerned, the events of March 2015 will usher in a period of increasing unrest and destabilization that escalate through that summer. France, Italy, and India are also liable to be disturbed by the events of March 2015, but they get over it quicker. Israel and Japan are also directly afflicted by the events of March 2015, but they don’t take it so well. Barbara Bush, Laura Bush, George W Bush, Dick and Lynn Cheney, John McCain, Hilary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin all seem to go through crises in the first three months of 2015.

 Posted on Sept 2 2014

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