Just as the sign Gemini rules movement, communication, and trade on the personal or individual level, the sign Pisces rules these same things on a much more global, universal, or transpersonal level.
That means that Pisces rules the Global Economy, and so it makes sense that a true Global Economy didn't really come into existence on this planet until the Age of Pisces (which lasted roughly from 400 BC to 1800 AD, give or take a few centuries).
Any first-year astrology student will be able to tell you that Pisces rules the dissolution of boundaries, allowing all manner of goods, services, and ideas to flow freely across former dividing lines. Until the Roman Empire united much of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, there was no such thing as a Global Economy on the planet, but today's economy is far more global than anything dreamed of by Rome.
The planet Neptune entered Pisces in 2011 and will stay until 2025. This is the first time that Neptune has been in Pisces since the invention of the automobile, which created a demand for crude oil that turned it into a valuable commodity. This is important because Neptune rules oil, and Neptune's entry into Pisces should increase and magnify the impact of oil on the world economy.
Although Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011, it has not had any major afflictions from any of the other outer planets until now. But shortly, Saturn is going to enter into Sagittarius and set up a square to Neptune, and when that happens, we will a negative impact by oil on the global economy. This square will be in effect from late 2014 through most of 2016.