Thursday, February 20, 2014

A.M. Annual Report, 2014

Pathfinder Astrology
Annual Report: A.M., 2014

Let’s start with the basics - you were born under a New Moon, so it is unlikely that you ever get a divorce.  Once you make that bond, you live with it.

You will not marry young, because Saturn is on your Ascendant. This gives you a serious, mature, pragmatic, cautious, and professional outlook, especially when it comes to your personal life and social relationships. You are not going to jump into relationships without weighing it out carefully first. This Saturn placement will incline you to have a professional and career-oriented life; you are not likely to want to get married, quit work, and be a stay at home mom.  However, this Saturn also gives you an extra strong sense of duty and responsibility, so you are always willing to take on unpleasant tasks and duties when necessary, even though they are a burden, and this is a theme that will play out again and again in your life.  This Saturn placement will make you politically conservative, much moreso than Geminis usually are, and the older you get, the more you will identify with tradition and conservative values. On the positive side, this Saturn placement will probably always keep you slim and slender, but on the negative side, it will make it harder for you to keep your face from showing your age as you get older, and it may make you more prone to arthritis. What does “marry young” mean? Nowadays, probably anytime under age 30.  As I mentioned once before, I believe you will probably marry in 2016.         
You will have multiple men in your life, and your intimate life will not be disappointing.  There is a pretty fair chance that you will outlive a husband. 

You have the South Node on your Ascendant.  Everything in life has its good points and bad points, but you might want to whine a bit about this one. On the positive side, this placement says that you have an independent integrity to you; it is important to you to do what you feel is right even if it costs you brownie points with others, and in the long run, that will work out to your advantage, as people around you come to slowly realize that you represent real quality. However, it is not going to win you any popularity contests, and anywhere you want to get to in life, you’re not going to be able to count on sliding in on charm, but will have to earn every step. Don’t go into politics.

The work environment will mostly be peaceful and pleasant for you, and love and romance connections will emerge from your work environment, or possibly from people you hire to do work for you, like plumbers or suchlike.  Your spouse will have a wider social group than you do.  After you get married, a lot of your life is going to revolve around money and finances, and there will be some trouble or turbulence in that area, possibly including losses, fraud, or theft.   There will be a pattern of financial intrigues in your life. 

The man in your life will be intelligent, educated, possibly witty, and family-oriented.  He lives a busy, complicated,  fast-paced life, he could be reckless, and he does not hold his tongue when he has something to say, and he will have his secrets. You will have more money after you marry.  You should avoid potential partners who have a history of alcohol or drug abuse. 

You will probably receive an inheritance, although it might be more trouble than its worth.

You are strong willed and determined when necessary, and can make the tough decisions.

You will have multiple children but may lose one of them.  They will be smart, restless, and hard to handle.

From now through 2015, you are in a period that is very favorable both for your career and also for your home, family, and private life, and improvements and advancements should occur in both areas. Money and finances should go very well now, and you get along lovely with bosses, parents, governments, and other authorities.  Your career will involve a good bit more socializing than previously, and you will have a very happy and busy social life, and one or more romantic attractions should either emerge from the professional sphere or somehow become wrapped up with it.  You will have heavy responsibilities on the job which will conflict with home and family issues during this period.  Men in the work environment are likely to be very aggressive and forward. Relationships occurring during this period are likely to be passionate and intense, but jealousy and control issues may play a part as well. Any legal issues now will be trouble; avoid them if possible. Contracts and commitments are likely to be reached now, but not without a lot of anxiety and distress on your part.  You could become a homeowner during this period.  

From June 2014 - June 2015 will be a pleasant period in your life when many things go your way. A romantic relationship emerges or exists during this period, and for the most part it does not disappoint.  You do a good bit of traveling now, and that goes well.  You make strong and healthy contacts and relationships with others now, and should really do all the networking you can now because it is such a good time for it.  There are three drawbacks during this period (1)  you do not feel secure, stable, solid, or settled in your home or residence, and feel a little homeless,  (2) your romantic relationship, even though it is going well, is still driving like it has the breaks on.  Something is holding it back. This doesn’t stop or end it, but it prevents it from going full throttle. And (3) you take it hard when trouble hits relatives, neighbors, or siblings. Traffic accidents are also possible during this period as well; your life won’t be in danger, but it could make things rough for awhile.

For much of this summer, your career environment will likely be stressful, but that’s not unexpected given the career move.  Your home/residence situation this summer will be stressful for the same reason, and in both areas, you could see minor changes, adjustments, or shifts in the status quo occur later this year, around Oct - Dec. They shouldn’t be anything to be concerned about. It’s possible you could move in with someone around that time.    There are multiple indications that a new love relationship will develop and thrive between July 2014 - May 2015, and I could easily see that evolving into a marriage in July 2016.

From Mar 7 - Apr 3, 2014, life goes real fine for you. A lovely month, where you receive a lot of career recognition and are feeling pretty great.

From Apr 3 - May 1 is a more difficult month. You have heavy responsibilities now and are adjusting to them.  You enjoy home and family now.  Recreation and dating may hold some interesting or even exciting surprises now, but you may not have the time you’d like for much socialization.

From May 1 - May 28, your social life kind of sucks, although nothing too terrible happens this month. You are feeling pretty confused and disoriented now, like you don’t fit in and are not sure what to do. Family issues may arise now that require you to help out.

From May 28 - June 24, something big happens in your life, something new. A new man could enter your life now.  You may do some traveling now. You will be feeling very strong, energetic, motivated, competitive, and possibly in the mood.  Whatever it is that is new that happens this month, it is connected to this new male presence in your life, but also to some secret or mystery in the work environment.  It is possible a new work-related relationship begins now in secret. You are feeling very optimistic and enthusiastic now. 

From June 24 - July 22 will be a wonderful month.  Relationships are good and getting better, and you are feeling very happy, but still feeling a bit confused and may be still keeping secrets.  Career matters are difficult now, and unforgiving of mistakes.

From July 22 - Aug 18 is another very good month, only with less anxiety at work.  There is a good chance that you are feeling very much in love now. 

From Aug 18 - Sept 14, your social life is going very well, but money and finances really suck.

From Sept 14 - Oct 12, relationships go well, finances may show some losses, and work really sucks. Don’t expect any favor or support from bosses or authorities during this period. 

From Oct 12 - Nov 8 isn’t bad at all. Life seems to get better now.  There may be some changes at home, possibly moving to a new residence?  You are in good spirits and seem to be pretty excited about things.  Expect to make and strengthen your bonds with others now. A very sexy month.

From Nov 8 - Dec 5 will be a very dramatic and intense month.  Either you start some killer exercise program or you wear yourself out with some fellow all month long. This month has the potential for some injuries or violence, so don’t be wandering back allies alone, but more likely it is a passionate and very aggressive romantic relationship going on now.  

2016 and 2017 will be happy and prosperous years for you, although they will be stressful. There’s a good chance that children will play a big role in your life during these years. Career matters do well and show progress and advancement, but the work environment is a major hassle.

2018 and 2019 will be more difficult years; money will be tight then, and you will be under a lot of stress.  Children in your life then will prosper, but other family members could suffer grave losses.

You say you want a revolution?

The USA Liberty Chart has a long and powerful train of ten strong progressed Uranus aspects  between 2007 - 2022. They are spread out so regularly that there is never really a lull in the Uranus influence, even using a very modest one degree orb.

1. Uranus conjunct Moon, Dec 2007
2. Ascendant conjunct Uranus, Jan 2008
3. Uranus semisquare Ascendant, June 2009
4. Ascendant conjunct Uranus, Feb 2011
5. Sun square Uranus, Oct 2013
6. Sun square Uranus, Aug 2015
7. Ascendant square Uranus, Nov 2016
8. Ascendant square Uranus, Dec 2018
9. Midheaven conjunct Uranus, Sept 2020
10. Midheaven conjunct Uranus, June 2022

The first two aspects occurred together, right when the nation discovered smartphones, Hilary and Obama became the two Democratic Presidential nominees, and the Great Recession began.

The third aspect coincided to the exact month with the Swine Flu Global Pandemic announcement and the death of Michael Jackson. It also coincided with two US stimulus packages totaling nearly $1 trillion during 2008 and 2009.

The fourth coincided with the Arab Spring and the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The fifth coincided with the Snowden NSA revelations, the Government Shutdown, and the botched  Obamacare rollout.

I am expecting unrest in the USA to continue to escalate as this series continues.  Uranus is famous for bringing nonconformist, rebellious, revolutionary attitudes and behaviors, and we will see more and more of that as we move further into this chain of aspects.  The Republicans’ rebellion against Obamacare caused the Government shutdown in October 2013, and nearly caused a default.  Several US states have recently passed laws against the Federal Government, and this rebellious, revolutionary sentiment is going to continue to ramp up even more over the next eight years.

You say you want a revolution?

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Saturn-Neptune Cycle

The outer planets Saturn and Neptune join up together (a “conjunction”) once every 36 years or so.  Nine years later, they make a 90 degree angle (a “square”), nine years after that, they are 180 degrees (an opposition) to each other, nine years after that, they are at 90 degrees again, and nine years after that, they conjoin again.

This 36 year-long cycle in our solar system consistently coincides with a pattern in human history when our collective morale is at its lowest and our sense of dissatisfaction is at its highest. The strongest effects tend to be seen at the conjunctions and the weakest at the squares, but other factors occasionally modify these results.

Over the last hundred years, we have gone through three complete Saturn-Neptune cycles. 

When Saturn and Neptune conjoined in 1916 - 1918, we were in the middle of what at the time was the worst war in history, and if that wasn’t bad enough, the world was also under attack by the Spanish Flu. Many millions died, and the whole world suffered from both terror and grief.

When Saturn and Neptune conjoined again in 1952- 1954, the world found itself threatened by nuclear war when both the US and the USSR developed the H-Bomb. This was during the Second Red Scare, when anti-communist paranoia, McCarthyism, and backyard bomb shelters were the issues of the day.  UFOs were spotted flying over Washington DC, increasing the world’s sense of confusion and vulnerability. And of course this was during the Korean War, when the Cold War turned hot.

When Saturn and Neptune conjoined again in 1988-1990, the world was rocked by the fall of the Soviet Empire, the end of the Cold War, and the movement of the US into the Middle East, establishing military bases in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The fall of the Soviets threw Eastern Europe into an extended period of chaos and rendered 50 years of US foreign policy obsolete, while the entry of US forces into Saudi Arabia inflamed Muslim passions, giving rise to a new era of global Islamic terrorism.    

The next Saturn-Neptune conjunction occurs in 2026. This conjunction occurs on the “Aries Point”, at zero degrees Aries, the most sensitive point in the zodiac, promising an extra-strong manifestation at that time.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Lessons From The Age of Pisces

I spent over twenty years of my life studying the duality at the core of human identity, and wrote three books on my findings. The same duality permeates all human activity. We are all holons, each of us both Sun and Moon, both male and female, both autonomous wholes and at the same time also parts of other wholes.

Any approach to solving humanity’s problems, whether individual or collective, must come from and satisfy both halves within us, both the head and heart, both our male and our female, both our right and left brains. Sooner or later, all attempted solutions that don’t satisfy both halves of the equation will be abandoned as ineffective and unworkable. This is a lesson that our religious leaders, as well as our politicians, should have figured out a long time ago. Humanity has tried for millennia to place male above female, science above faith, logic above feeling, Republican over Democrat, law and order above right and wrong, justice over love (and vice versa), and it never, ever works.

Having tried this partisan, divided, fractured approach for millennia, we as a species should be about ready by now to admit that it just doesn't work. Society as a whole, as well as its individuals, have all just been stunted and crippled by this naive approach.

We are today finally at the end of the 2000 year-long Age of Pisces, a time so accurately represented by the Piscean symbol of two fish tied together yet trying to swim in opposite directions.

The simple truth is, humanity is not more right-brain than left-brain, not more head than heart, not more intellect than emotion, not more republican than democrat, not more Sun than Moon. Or vice versa.

Whenever we find ourselves in a dilemma and willfully choose to honor one side by rejecting, denying, and ignoring the needs of the other side, we betray half of ourselves, dividing both our selves and our world in two.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Signs In the Sky Not Seen Since the Time of Christ

Our solar system’s five outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, only rarely come together in “stelliums” (three or more planets grouped together within the same sign and no more than 12 degrees apart).  The last three outer planet stelliums were :

* 1762 (Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus in Aries)
* 1941 (Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus in Taurus)
* 1981 (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Libra)

Each time one of these triple conjunctions occurred, a major turning point in world history shortly followed : 

* Just after the 1762 stellium in Aries, the American Pioneers gave birth to modern democracy. 
* Just after the 1941 stellium in Taurus, the planet’s land was divided in two by the Iron Curtain.
* Just after the 1981 stellium in Libra, the Soviet Empire collapsed in a peaceful social revolution.

The next stellium is in 2020, when Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto come together in Capricorn.  This will be the third stellium in less than 80 years, which is very rare. Usually they only come at the rate of about one stellium per century. The last time we saw anything like this was at the time of Christ, when three stelliums occurred within 38 years of one another :
* In 15 AD, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune conjoined in Sagittarius
* In 35 AD, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus conjoined in Leo
* In 53 AD, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune conjoined in Pisces

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Neptune Generations, Part Two

Neptune governs our dreams and ideologies, and shows what we fantasize about and idolize.  Neptune also represents loss, need, and failure, and so its sign placement shows what people feel they lack and need at any given period in history. Neptune also manifests as confusion and deception, and so shows how mankind is likely to err at any given point in history.

Neptune in Leo, 1914-1928
During this period, the world went through WWI, which dismantled several monarchies in Europe and Asia. The Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary completely collapsed, and monarchies in Germany and Russia became republics. The sign Leo rules kings and kingdoms, as well as leadership in general, and during this period, the world suffered a loss of leadership, with many kingdoms changing into electoral democracies. Leo also rules celebrity, and during this period, the world idolized its public celebrities as never before, including icons of the newly-minted film industry like Clara Bow and Rudolph Valentino, icons of aviation like Amelia Earhart and Charles Lindbergh, and even icons of crime like Al Capone. The sign Leo also represents steady strength and fortitude, and the world suffered a great loss of those qualities when the Spanish Flu hit in 1918, killing even more people than the war had done. Neptune traditionally rules secrets and alcohol, while Leo rules kings, and when prohibition began in the US in 1920, alcohol made kings when bootlegging turned many small time crooks into underworld giants.     
Neptune in Virgo, 1928-1942
This period almost perfectly coincided with the Great Depression, and Neptune was in its detriment in Virgo.  During this period, people had simple, modest dreams and fantasies, just as Virgo is simple and modest. Thus, people’s idea of a dream life during this period revolved around the basics - having enough food to eat, having a job, and staying healthy. All of these, food, employment, and health, are archetypal Virgo issues.    
Neptune in Libra, 1942-1955
This period coincided with WWII and the Korean War, and during this period, all the masses wanted and dreamed about was ending war and achieving peace, which of course is the perennial Libra ideal.  However, Libra also rules societal divisions, oppositions, and confrontations, and during this period, the world was split in two after WWII by the Iron Curtain, Communism, the Red Scare, and McCarthyism. Libra also rules femininity and Neptune rules loss, and so during this period, the world’s women abandoned many of their traditional feminine qualities and social roles, taking on far more traditional masculine occupations than previously, starting to work outside the home in factories and even competing in major league sports.
Neptune in Scorpio, 1955- 1970
The dark and brooding sign of Scorpio rules social, economic, and political power, and when Neptune passed through Scorpio, the world’s masses suddenly became transfixed by the dark thought that they didn’t have enough power over their own lives, and that outside forces had too much control over them. And so people like Martin Luther King Jr. started sharing their dreams about acquiring more power for their own people. Thus this era saw several social movements appear that sought more power for groups who didn’t have enough, such as the Civil Rights movement, the Woman’s Liberation movement, and the Vietnam War Draft Protest movement.  Nations and governments also idolized the dream of gaining more power and control during this period as well, and pursued that dark vision as never before, building bomb shelters, H-bombs, and ICBMs to get an edge over their opposition.

Neptune in Sagittarius, 1970-1984
Sagittarius traditionally governs religion, law, long distance travel, and mass communication, and Neptune is exalted in Sagittarius, indicating that Neptune's passage through these years would yield more positive  consequences than it does in other signs. The world was transfixed by the televised Watergate hearings in 1973-1974, watching in disbelief as the law took down the most powerful man on earth for the first time in history. This period also brought the Iranian Islamic Revolution and the Iranian Hostage Crisis in 1979 and the first international Islamic terrorism in 1979. These events began an Islamic renaissance that went on to sweep through the Middle East in the years that followed, creating a religious dream for some, a religious nightmare to others. This period also brought the first space station, the first microcomputers, the first computer virus, the first mobile phones, the first compact discs, the Yom Kippur War (the largest Israeli-Islamic conflict in history), the 1973 Oil Embargo, the Concorde (the first supersonic transatlantic passenger airliner), the first space shuttle, the first Star Wars movies, the US military’s Star Wars missile defense plan, the first deep space probes, the first Internet, the first stealth aircraft, the globe-trotting Pope John Paul II, the unbelievable religious insanity of the Jonestown mass-murder-suicide tragedy in Guyana, the 1979 terrorist takeover of Mecca (the holiest place in Islam), Catholicism's dreamlike Medjugorje Marian Apparitions, the Alaskan oil pipeline, and the deregulation of US railroads.  

Neptune in Capricorn, 1984-1998
The sign Capricorn traditionally governs big business, multinational conglomerates, government, and authority structures, while Neptune brings weakness, loss, confusion, mystery, secrets, and disorder. Thus, when Neptune passed through Capricorn, the entire governmental structure of one of the greatest powers in the history of the planet - the Soviet Empire - peacefully collapsed under its own weight between 1989-1991. This left hundreds of millions of people in Russia and Eastern Europe in chaos without any operational governments in the early 1990's, allowing the secretive Russian mafia to rise up and fill the power vacuum.  While several nations in Western Europe united to form the European Union during this same period, the collapse of the Soviet Empire allowed the US to finally achieve its ultimate dream of being able to completely dominate international affairs, facilitating the rise of globalization and multinationals during this period. The Chernobyl Disaster occurred in the USSR in 1986, throwing the USSR into disarray, while US President Reagan underwent surgery in 1987 and President Bush became violently ill in 1992, putting US leadership into doubt on both occasions.  In 1990-91, a coalition of nations united together in the Gulf War, an international mission of mercy to defend oil-rich Kuwait from an attack by Iraq.  Afterwards, the very Neptunian mystery of Iraq’s missing WMDs dominated the international dialogue for over a decade.  The  occurrence of the oil-based Gulf War allowed the establishment of a continuous US military presence in the Middle East from that point on. The simultaneous fall of the USSR and the rise of the Gulf War conspired to create a pivotal turning point in global international relations, replacing the previous US-USSR Cold War conflict with the new US-Middle East clash as the world’s primary international issue.  International concern and confusion about Global Warming began during this period, and a new global governmental structure - the World Trade Organization - was created to help control and supervise the world's economy. And since Neptune always weakens everything it touches, two of the most idolized figures in world government were knocked off their pedestals during this period, Britain’s Princess Diana  by death and US President Clinton by impeachment.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Neptune Generations

The planet Neptune takes about 164 years to make one trip around the Sun, spending about 14 years in each sign of the zodiac along the way.

In astrology, Neptune governs faith, mystery, confusion, and disorder.  Each 14 year generation has Neptune in a different sign, and each of these Neptune Generations experiences their encounter with faith, mystery, confusion, and disorder in a different way.

The generation born between 1942-1955 had Neptune in the sign Libra. It was their destiny to experience confusion, uncertainty, and disorder when it came to the Libran issues of gender roles and marriage, and to broadcast that confusion throughout the world. Right on schedule, they did just that when they reached adulthood in the 1960s and 1970's, ushering in the Woman’s Lib movement, elevated divorce rates, and blurring of the traditional cultural distinctions in gender roles. This generation is now between 59-72 years old, so their impact on our cultural development has already seen its peak, and is starting to fade into the background of our cultural dialogue.

The next generation, born between 1955-1970, have Neptune in Scorpio, and it was their destiny to experience confusion, uncertainty, and disorder when it came to the archetypal Scorpio issues of sex and banking, and to spread that confusion around the globe.  This generation also did so right on schedule, first ushering in the Sexual Revolution in their youth, and then muddying the waters of banking and international finance as older adults, introducing such complexity, confusion, and disorder into the international banking system that it almost collapsed under its own weight in 2008. This generation was between 38- 53 years old in 2008, just then only starting to reach the height of their authority in the professional community when their innate tendency to sow financial confusion became manifest. Astrology suggests that the world’s financial systems are unlikely to return to firm footing until this generation reaches retirement age, which won’t be until 2020-2035.

The next generation, born between 1970-1984, have Neptune in Sagittarius, and it is their destiny to sow  confusion and uncertainty when it comes to the Sagittarian issues of religion and law.  This generation is currently between 30 - 44 years old, but as soon as they reached adulthood, the world started seeing an explosion of Islamic terrorism.  The modern age of Islamic terrorism appropriately began when Neptune was in Sagittarius, but didn’t start moving outside the Middle East until the 1993 World Trade center bombing, when the oldest members of this generation were just 23.  This generation was between 17-31 years old when the 9/11 attacks happened, and all the terrorists involved were within that age group.  Now that this generation is between 30 - 44 years old, the news is full of stories about Islamic Sharia Law starting to be introduced into Western nations, which is was second shoe to drop for their Sagittarius Neptune generation.  Astrology suggests that it is unlikely that either Islamic terrorism or the infiltration of Sharia Law into Western cultures will stop until this generation grows old, which means these things won’t start fading away until 2035-2049.   

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February - April 2014

The US is finally moving away from the extended crisis period that lasted from September 2013 through January 2014, and for a couple of months now things should be looking up.  The US does itself proud in the Sochi Olympics in February, and from late February through most of March, the nation's mood rises as the market and the economy both show significant gains.  News of novelties, rebellious groups, and technological surprises may dominate the news cycles in March, but the nation avoids new wars, conflicts, and attacks in March.

The rate of school shootings and other public disasters should decrease now that we've moved into February.

The next big crisis for the nation arrives in April, probably late in the month.  In April and May the US will suffer substantial losses.  The trouble that April brings will certainly have a strong financial component to it, but I would not feel comfortable saying that it will be a purely financial crisis.  However, I do not see any signs of any terrorist attacks or anything of that nature occurring at that time.